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作者:    时间:2021-07-06    浏览:


文方青,男, 1988年11月出生,中共党员,博士研究生,现为三峡数学研究中心副教授,硕士生导师。IEEE Senior member、中国电子学会高级会员、国际期刊Signal Processing、Electronics Letters、Mathematical Problems in Engineering的副主编(Associate editor),国际期刊Remote Sensing、Sensors、International Journal of Antennas and Propagation、Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing等客座主编(Lead Guest Editor),IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing等60余个期刊的特约审稿人。主要研究领域为阵列信号处理,主持国家自然科学基金2项,主持省部级项目多项,获得湖北省自然科学三等奖1项,发表SCI检索论文近60余篇(ESI热点论文4篇),申请发明专利近20项(已授权11项,含1项美国专利),入选“2022年度科学影响力排行榜”,ACES2019、IEEE SAM2020、Radar2021、ICFEICT 2022分会场主席。


2021.07-今 william hill官方网站,计算机与信息学院,三峡数学研究中心,副教授

2019.03-2021.06 长江大学,电子信息学院,副教授

2016.12-2019.02 长江大学,电子信息学院,讲师

2015.10-2016.04 特拉华大学(美国),电气与计算机工程学院,访问学者

2013.04-2016.11 南京航空航天大学,电子信息工程学院,博士

2011.09-2013.03 南京航空航天大学,电子信息工程学院,硕士

2007.06-2011.06 湖北汽车工业学院,电气与信息工程学院,学士








[1]. 某模拟器环境仿真系统电磁环境仿真软件,江苏普旭科技股份有限公司,20万元,2023,主持;

[2]. 宜昌市农业农村局农业大数据中心项目数据采集服务,142万元,2022,主持;

[3]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,张量框架下EMVS-MIMO雷达参数估计研究,62271286,54.0万元,2022,主持;

[4]. 军队高层次科技创新人才工程自主科研项目,XXX,160万元,2022,参与(项目经费60万元,即将到账);

[5]. 教育部重点实验室开放课题,EMVS-MIMO雷达目标参数估计研究,3.0万元,2021,主持

[6]. 企业横向,智能水位监测研究项目,3.0万元,2021,主持

[7]. 长江大学第二批ESI提升项目,2019,12.0万元;

[8]. 长江大学研究生教改项目,“双一流”建设背景下《现代信号处理》课程教学方法研究与实践,2019,1.5万元;

[9]. 南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室(海南大学),非理想背景下宽带DOA估计算法研究,2019011,10.0万元;

[10]. 青年科学基金项目,阵列联合误差、色噪声背景下MIMO雷达角度估计研究, 61701046,2018,23万元;

[11]. 教育部重点实验室开放基金(南京航空航天大学),非理想条件下MIMO雷达目标角度估计研究, 201702,4.5万元;

[12]. 科技部重大专项子课题,片上雷达前端模拟-信息转换器重构算法研究,9.0万元。



[1]. Wen F, Wang H, Gui G, et al. Polarized intelligent reflecting surface aided 2D-DOA estimation for NLoS sources [J], IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Under Review.

[2]. Wen F, Gui G, et al. 2D-DOA estimation for EMVS array: geometric and algorithmic guidelines [J], IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Under Review.

[3]. Zhang Z, Shi J, Wen F*. Phase Compensation-based 2D-DOA estimation for EMVS-MIMO radar [J], IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Under Review.

[4]. M. Gao, Z. Zhang, C. Yan, F. Wen. 2D-DOA Estimation based on Higher-Order SVD-based using EMVS Sparse Array, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing [J], accepted

[5]. Wang X, Guo Y, Wen F*, et al. EMVS-MIMO radar with sparse Rx geometry: Tensor modeling and 2D direction finding [J], IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2023.3297570, to appear.

[6]. Shu T, He J, Wen F, et al. Incompletely polarized MIMO radar for target direction estimation [J], IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems, 2023, 1:532-541.

[7]. Zhang Z, Wen F*, Shi J, et al. 2D-DOA estimation for coherent signals via a polarized uniform rectangular array [J], IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2023, 30, 893-897.

[8]. Wen F, Ren D*, Zhang X, et al. Fast localizing for anonymous UAVs oriented toward polarized massive MIMO systems [J], IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3282644.

[9]. Wen F, Shi J, He J, et al. 2D-DOD and 2D-DOA estimation using sparse L-shaped EMVS-MIMO radar [J], IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(2): 2077-2084.

[10]. Wen F*, Gui G, Gacanin H., et al. Compressive sampling framework for 2D-DOA and polarization estimation in mmWave polarized massive MIMO systems [J], IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023, 22(5):3071-3083.

[11]. Shi J, Wen F*, Liu Y, et al. Enhanced and Generalized Coprime Array for Direction of Arrival Estimation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(2): 1327-1339.

[12]. Wen F, Shi J*, Gui G, et al. 3D Positioning method for anonymous UAV based on bistatic polarized MIMO radar [J], IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(1):815-827.


[13]. Ruan N, Wang H, Wen F*, et al. DOA estimation in B5G/6G: trends and challenges [J], Sensors, 2022, 22(14): 5125.

[14]. Zhang L, Wang H, Wen F*, et al. PARAFAC estimators for coherent targets in EMVS-MIMO radar with arbitrary geometry [J], Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(12): 2905.

[15]. Wen F, Shi J*, Zhang Z. Generalized spatial smoothing in bistatic EMVS-MIMO radar [J], Signal Processing, 2022, 193:108406.

[16]. Wang C, Ai L*, Wen F, et al. An improved PARAFAC estimator for 2D-DOA estimation using EMVS array [J], Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2022, 41(1): 147-165.


[17]. Wu J, Wen F*, Shi J. Direction finding in bistatic MIMO radar with direction-dependent mutual coupling [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2021, 25(7): 2231-2234.

[18]. Wu J, Wen F*, Shi J. Fast angle estimation in MIMO system with direction-dependent mutual coupling [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2021, 25(9): 2913-2917.

[19]. Wen F, Shi J*, Wang X, et al. Angle estimation for MIMO radar in the presence of gain-phase errors with one instrumental Tx/Rx sensor: a theoretical and numerical study [J]. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(15), 2964.

[20]. Wen F, Shi J*, Zhang Z. Closed-form estimation algorithm for EMVS-MIMO radar with arbitrary sensor geometry [J]. Signal Processing, 2021, 186:108117.

[21]. Junpeng Shi, Fangqing Wen*, Tianpeng Liu. Nested MIMO Radar: Coarrays, Tensor Modeling and Angle Estimation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(1):573-585.

[22]. 师俊朋,文方青*,张弓,等. 空域色噪声背景下双基地MIMO雷达角度估计 [J]. 2021, 43(6): 1477-1485.


[23]. Fangqing Wen, Juan Chen, Junpeng Shi, Guan Gui. Auxiliary vehicle positioning based on robust DOA estimation with unknown mutual coupling [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, 7(6):5521-5532.

[24]. Fangqing Wen, Junpeng Shi. Fast direction finding for bistatic EMVS-MIMO radar without pairing [J]. Signal Processing, 2020, 173, 107512.

[25]. Fangqing Wen, Junpeng Shi, Zijing Zhang. Joint 2D-DOD, 2D-DOA and polarization angles estimation for bistatic EMVS-MIMO radar via PARAFAC analysis [J], IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 29(2): 1626-1638

[26]. Wen F, Shi J*, Zhang Z. Direction finding for bistatic MIMO radar with unknown spatially colored noise [J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2020, 39(5): 2412-2424.


[27]. Zeyang Li, Junpeng Shi, Xinhai Wang, Fangqing Wen. Joint Angle and Frequency Estimation Using One-bit Measurements [J], Sensors,2019,19(24):5422

[28]. Fangqing Wen, Junpeng Shi, Zijing Zhang. Direction finding for bistatic MIMO radar with unknown spatially colored noise [J], Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2020, 39(5):2412-2424.

[29]. Fangqing Wen, Chenxing Mao, Gong Zhang. Direction finding in MIMO radar with large antenna arrays and nonorthogonal waveforms [J], Digital Signal Processing, 2019, 94: 75-83.

[30]. Tingting Liu, Fangqing Wen, Lei Zhang, et al. Off-grid DOA estimation for colocated MIMO radar via reduced-complexity sparse Bayesian learning [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 99907 - 99916 (ESI高被引)

[31]. Chenxing Mao, Fangqing Wen, Zijing Zhang, et al. New Approach for DOA Estimation in MIMO radar with Non-orthogonal Waveforms [J], IEEE Sensors Letters, 2019, 3(7): 7001104

[32]. Fangqing Wen, Computationally efficient DOA estimation algorithm for MIMO radar with imperfect waveforms [J]. IEEE Communications Letters, 2019, 23(6):1037-1040. (三区,ESI高被引)

[33]. Linyun Xu, Fangqing Wen and Xiaofei Zhang. A Novel Unitary PARAFAC Algorithm for Joint Angle and Frequency Estimation [J], IEEE Communications Letters, 2019, 23(4): 660-663(三区)

[34]. Fangqing Wen, ZiJing Zhang, Xinyu Zhang. CRBs for direction-of-departure and direction-of-arrival estimation in collocated MIMO radar in the presence of unknown spatially coloured noise [J]. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2019, 13(4):530-537.


[35]. Xiuwen Fu, Renzheng Cao, Fangqing Wen, A De-noising 2D-DOA estimation Method for Uniform Rectangle Array [J], IEEE Communications Letters, 2018, 22(9), 1854-1857.

[36]. Fangqing Wen, Zijing Zhang, Ke Wang, et al. Angle estimation and mutual coupling self-calibration for ULA-based bistatic MIMO radar [J], Signal Processing, 2018, 144, 61-67.

[37]. Fangqing Wen, Xiaodong Xiong, Jian Su, et al. Angle estimation for bistatic MIMO radar in the presence of spatial colored noise [J], Signal Processing, 2017, 134, 261-267.

[38]. Fangqing Wen, Xiaodong Xiong, Zijing Zhang. Angle and Mutual Coupling Estimation in Bistatic MIMO Radar Based on PARAFAC Decomposition [J], Digital Signal Processing, 2017, 65, 1-10.

[39]. Lingyun Xu, Fangqing Wen. Fast Noncircular 2D-DOA Estimation for Rectangular Planar Array [J]. Sensors, 2017, 17(4), 840.

[40]. Xinhai Wang, Gong Zhang, Fangqing Wen, et al. Angle estimation for Bistatic MIMO radar with unknown mutual coupling based on three-way compressive sensing [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2017, 28 (2):257-266.

[41]. Xinhai Wang, Gong Zhang, Fangqing Wen, et al. Schemes for Synthesizing High-resolution Range Profile with extended OFDM-MIMO [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2017, 28 (3):424-434.

[42]. 杨康,文方青,黄冬梅,张磊,王可. 基于实值三线性分解的互耦条件下双基地MIMO雷达角度估计算法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2018, 40(2): 232-239. (EI)

[43]. 文方青,张弓,王鑫海等. 基于三维压缩感知的MIMO雷达角度估计算法[J].数据采集与处理, 2018, 33(2), 231-239.(核心)


IEEE Senior member、中国电子学会高级会员、国际期刊IEEE Systems Journal(中科院二区)、Signal Processing(中科院二区)、Electronics Letters、Mathematical Problems in Engineering的副主编(Associate editor),国际期刊Remote Sensing、Sensors、International Journal of Antennas and Propagation、Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing等客座主编(Lead Guest Editor),《数据采集与处理》首届青年编委会委员,IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing等60余个期刊的特约审稿人。主要研究领域为阵列信号处理,主持国家自然科学基金2项,主持省部级项目多项,获得湖北省自然科学三等奖1项,发表SCI检索论文近60余篇(ESI热点论文4篇),申请发明专利近20项(已授权11项,含1项美国专利),入选“2022年度科学影响力排行榜”,“2023年度科学影响力排行榜”,“2023年终身科学影响力排行榜”,ACES2019、IEEE SAM2020、Radar2021、ICFEICT 2022、IEEE ICCT2023分会场主席。


[1]. Wen F, Wang K, Cai C. Direction-of-arrival estimation and mutual couplingcalibration method and system with arbitrary sensor geometry and unknown mutual coupling [P]. No.16744858(美国专利).

[2]. 文方青、陈伟国、李修权、张磊、王可. 基于张量子空间和谱峰搜索的MIMO雷达角度估计算法(201611039392.8),已授权

[3]. 文方青、王可、盛冠群、李飞涛. 基于MUSIC算法的双基地MIMO雷达角度估计算法(201710204913.9),已授权

[4]. 文方青、张磊、李飞涛、盛冠群. 实值平行因子分解的多径参数估计方法,201710741953.7,已授权

[5]. 文方青、赖文慧、王可、李飞涛、熊晓东. 空域色噪声背景下的双基地MIMO雷达角度估算方法(201710033413.3), 已授权

[6]. 文方青、盛冠群、李飞涛、熊晓东. 互耦条件下双基地MIMO雷达角度估计方法(2017103235360), 已授权

[7]. 文方青,陈伟国,李修权、盛冠群、李飞涛. 基于张量子空间和旋转不变的MIMO雷达角度估计算法(201611003187.6), 已授权

[8]. 王莹、文方青、蔡昌新、王可、张磊. 基于矩阵填充的双基地MIMO雷达角度估计方法(201810301964.8),已授权

[9]. 刘婷婷、文方青. 一种无人驾驶物流车辆的定位方法及系统,202010030698.7,已授权

[10]. 向全伟、文方青. 互耦条件下任意阵列流形DOA估计与互耦校准方法及系统,201911165917.6,已授权

[11]. 黄江伟、文方青、王可. 基于平行因子算法的双基地EMVS-MIMO雷达角度估计算法及装置,2019110374371,已授权

[12]. 毛陈兴、王可、文方青. 增益-相位误差背景下双基地MIMO雷达角度估计方法及装置,202010361795.4,已授权

版权所有 william威廉亚洲官方 - william hill官方网站    地址:湖北省宜昌市大学路     电话:0717-6392370