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作者:    时间:2022-06-10    浏览:

  • 姓名:刘红美

  • 职称:教授

  • 毕业院校:中国科学院数学与系统研究院

  • 学历: 博士

  • 学位: 理学博士

  • 所在单位:william威廉亚洲官方

  • 学科: 数学

  • 办公地点:

  • 联系方式:0717-6392370

  • 电子邮箱:liuhm@ctgu.edu.cn





    [1] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:图的结构理论及其算法, 2004.1---2005.12.

    [2] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:图因子、路系统及相关问题, 2007.1---2009.12.

    [3] 2006年湖北省科技三项费(省攻关计划):网络信息处理的容错性研究, 2006.12---2009.12.

    [4] 2007年湖北省教育厅高等学校省级教学研究项目:高等数学分层教学模式中创新能力培养的研究与实践.

    [5] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:图中结构与全局参数, 2011.1---2013.12.

    [6] 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目: 可靠和稳定的网络模型与控制, 2011.1-2014.12.

[7] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:群连通度和子图存在性及相关问题的研究, 2012.1—2015.12.

[8] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:图中参数与子图存在性问题研究, 2014.1---2017.12.

[9] 国家自然科学基金资助项目:图中包含特定元素的子图结构研究, 2018.1---2021.12.

  • 部分学术论文:

    [1] Hongmei Liu and Yingying Liu, The Hamilton Path in Faulty Enhanced, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol.126, 2012-4, pp 867-872. (EI)

    [2] Qing Liu, Hongmei Liu, yanjuan Zhang,Yihan Fan, Routing Algorithm in FQn with a Large Number of Faulty Nodes, The 2th International Conference on Consumer electronics, communication and networks, 2012-4, Three Gorges,1286-1289. (EI)

    [3] Min Liu, Hongmei Liu, Cycles in Conditional faulty Enhanced Hypercube Networks, Journal of Communications and NetworksISSN1229-2370, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2012-4, 213-221.(SCI)

    [4] Min Liu, Hongmei Liu, Paths and cycles embedding on faulty enhanced hypercube networks, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2013, 33B(1),pp.227-246. (SCI)

    [5] Xiaojuan He, Hongmei Liu, Qing Liu; Cycle Embedding in Faulty Folded Hypercube, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.37, No.7, 2013pp.97—109, ISBN:978-0-7695-47895-3. ISSN 0973-1377(print), ISSN 0973-7545(online)EI

    [6] Shilong Cao, Hongmei Liu, Xiaojuan He, On constraint Fault-free Cycles in Folded Hypercube, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.42, No.12, 2013pp.38—44, ISBN:978-0-7695-47895-3. ISSN 0973-1377(print), ISSN 0973-7545(online) EI

    [7] Xiaojuan He, Hongmei Liu, node-to-node disjoint paths in hypercube networks with faulty edges, Proceedings 2013 IEt international conference on information and communications technologies, April 27-29th, 2013, 336-339 (EI)

    [8] Qing Liu, Hongmei Liu, Runlan Qin, Extended Local-connectivity on Folded Hypercube with a Large Number of Faulty Nodes, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.50, No.20, 2013pp.102—108, ISSN 0973-1377(print), ISSN 0973-7545 EI

    [9] Qing Liu, Hongmei Liu, Runlan Qin, Paths in Enhanced Hypercube with a Large Number of Faulty Nodes, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.51, No.21, 2013pp.44—51, ISSN 0973-1377(print), ISSN 0973-7545(online) EI

    [10] Yanjuan Zhang, Hongmei Liu, Min Liu, VERTEX-FAULT CYCLES EMBEDDING ON ENHANCED HYPERCUBE NETWORKS, Acta Mathematica Scienta, 2013, 33B(6):1579—1588 (SCI)

    [11] Runlan Qin, Hongmei Liu, A Further Result on Cycles in Conditional Faulty Enhanced Hypercubes, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.52, No.2, 2014pp.49—54, ISSN 0973-1377(print), ISSN 0973-7545 EI

    [12] Yihan Fan, Hongmei Liu, Juan Mei, Semiglobal Finite-Time Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks via Periodically Intermittent Control, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol.(2015) 2015(SCI)

    [13 ] Min Liu, Hongmei Liu, Vertex-Fault-Tolerant Cycle Embedding on Enhanced Hypercube Networks, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, Vol.32, No.1, 2016: 187—198 (DOI:10.1007/s10255-016-0547-z, (SCI)

    [14] Liu Hongmei, Tang Maozeng, Fault-tolerant cycles embedding in Folded hypercube, Wuhan University Journal of National Sciences, Vol.21, No.3, 2016, 191—198. (ISSN: 1007-1202, DOI 10.1007/s11859-016-1158-5)

    [15] Hongmei Liu, Maozeng Tang and Dan Yuan, "Some New Results on Fault-tolerant Cycles Embedding in Folded Hypercubes", Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing , pp. 23-36, Vol.97 , May, 2016

    [16] Hongmei Liu, Dan Jin, An algorithm on disjoint paths in enhanced hypercubes, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing , pp.267-280, Vol.103 , November, 2017.(EI )

    [17] Dan JIN and Hong-mei LIU, The Structure Fault-Tolerance of Enhanced Hypercube Networks, 2018 International Conference on Electrical, Control, Automation and Robotics, 235—238. (SCIE)

    [18] Yanjuan Zhang, Hongmei Liu, Dan Jin, The Edge-hamiltonicity of Exchanged Folded

    Hypercubes, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, Vol.107 , November, 2018: 127-136

    [19] Hongmei Liu, Dan Jin, The Maximum Number of Disjoint Paths in Faulty Enhanced Hypercubes, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing , pp. 99-112, Vol.108 , February, 2019.(EI )

    [20] Yanjuan Zhang and Hongmei Liu, "The Structure connectivity of Enhanced Hypercube Networks", Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing ,pp. 171-180, Vol.110 , August, 2019(EI )

    [21] Hongmei Liu, Dan Jin, The Maximum Number of Disjoint Paths in Faulty Enhanced Hypercubes, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing , pp. 99-112, Vol.108 , February, 2019.

    [22] Yihan Fan, Jun Mei, Hongmei Liu*,Yuling Fan, Fuxiang Liu, Fast Synchrozation of complex networks via Aperiodically intermittent sliding mode control, Neural processing Letters 2020(SCI )



    刘红美老师曾获william hill官方网站第一届“员工评教免评教师”称号;荣获william hill官方网站第四届“师德标兵”、william hill官方网站“三八红旗手”称号,2007年被评为湖北省教育工会先进女职工。2009年 湖北省高等学校教学成果三等奖,教学研究成果三等奖(《数学分析》课程教学改革研究与实践)。2016年职工“线性代数”获湖北省品牌课程。



    [1] 刘红美 陈虎叶 《图论应用基础》(英文版),华中师范大学出版社,2020.10.

    [2] 刘红美《离散数学》(英文版),华中师范大学出版社,2022.8.


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